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Take a Walk for Beautiful Skin

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5 Reasons Walking will give you Glowing Skin…

1)  Increases Circulation
2) Increases nitric oxide
3) Reduces blood sugar
4) Lowers Inflammation
5) Better than running

I love to walk. I have to admit, my first consideration when I think about walking is the peace I feel being out in nature. I have my best ideas when Iā€™m walking alone, and walking with a friend is a different kind of joy as we get to know one another on a deeper level.

But have you considered what walking can do for your skin ? Letā€™s look into it and see what science has to say.

1) Increases circulation:
A good vigorous walk ā€“ or even a leisurely one ā€“ will increase your heart rate, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to all of the cells in your body. This includes your skin cells which are enlivened by the nutrient-rich fluid. Keeping your arteries clear and the blood flowing freely is one of the best ways to protect your heart, and in turn to create the beautiful glow we all covet. The fresh air blowing on your cheeks is an added benefit. Just be sure to wear sunscreen, which will protect against drying as well as the UV radiation.

2) Increases nitric oxide
Our bodies need nitric oxide for blood vessel dilation, stimulation of hormone release signaling, and regulation of neurotransmitters. The dilation of blood vessels means the fresh blood circulation initiated by walking will have an easier time being delivered to all of your tissues, including the skin. This results in healthier, more radiant skin as well as healthier organs throughout the body. Foods that contain nitric oxide are beets,  leafy greens and dark chocolate! 

3) Reduces Blood Sugar
Walking after eating ā€“ even for a few minutes ā€“ lowers blood sugar and helps control insulin levels. Too much sugar in the bloodstream leads to glycation, which is a process of sugar attaching itself to collagen protein, thus breaking down the collagen in your skin. This can lead to sagging and premature aging. Collagen is of course important not only for your skin, but for other organs in the body as well. So take a walk after that meal and you will feel and look better! 

4) Lowers Inflammation
It is a proven fact that taking a walk, especially in nature, lowers your stress levels, helps with depression, and reduces inflammation. This lowering of stress has a cascading beneficial effect on the health of your skin and body. Stress causes inflammation, which is one of the main drivers of ill health throughout the body. Reducing stress relaxes blood vessels, allowing blood to flow freely, and fights the damage that inflammation wreaks on all of our bodily systems. Take regular walks and see how your skin and body respond to your new-found peace of mind. 

5) Better than Running
Everyone knows that running can lead to knee and foot injury, but what does this have to do with skin? While running is a high-impact activity, Walking is low impact and thus the pull of gravity remains stable. When you are running, the increased weight of gravity over time can pull your skin down, leading to stretching and sagging. Yes running is good for the bones, but walking is also shown to be good for building bone. Gravity has enough pull over us. Why give it more?

Walking is the perfect exercise. It increases the health of the entire body, including your skin. So put on your sneakers and your sunscreen, and get out into the open air. Experience better health overall and see your skin glow. I know where Iā€™m heading right now!

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