I am always reading about the ways in which different foods and molecules in those foods can help my skin look great. I find nutrition in general so interesting and I like to make sure the science backs up the claims. If I can keep my body healthy and improve my skin at the same time, why not look into it? So what’s CoQ10 and how can I use it to improve my skin?
CoQ10 as a Supplement
CoQ10, also called Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone, is a powerful antioxidant that appears in all of the cells of our bodies. Over the years I have occasionally taken it as a supplement for endurance so I can keep up more easily in fitness classes. It works beautifully for that and the reason must be that it increases circulation. It is even used by cardiologists in Japan for patients with heart failure.

In researching the science behind CoQ10, I discovered that it is responsible for the mitochondrial synthesis of ATP (Adenosine 5′-triphosphate). ATP transfers energy to all of the cells of our body. This makes sense to me since it definitely increases my endurance when I take 200 mg a day.

Also noted is that it increases nitric oxide levels in the blood, increasing circulation to the capillaries, which could be why I notice the improvement in my skin color. I love this stuff.
In this discussion from the National Institutes of Health:
Furthermore, CoQ10 can be derived from the diet (about 5 mg/day for a Mediterranean diet). In particular it is present in fatty fishes, soja, nuts, and spinach [11], however, its intake may not be sufficient to counteract physiological or pathological deficiencies [12]. For this reason, nutritional supplementation with this nutraceutical could help to maintain adequate levels within the body.

With daily supplementation of Coq10, this study showed significantly reduced wrinkles and microrelief lines, and improved skin smoothness.
If you’d like to try it as a supplement, the recommended dose is 100-300 mg daily. As I said, I take 200 mg a day and that’s when I notice a marked difference in my endurance. I suggest trying out dosages to see what works best for you. If you’re larger or smaller you might need more or less. It is non-toxic and safe to use. Although it’s said that the Ubiquinol form is better absorbed than the Ubiquinone, I am happy with Ubiquinone. For best absorption, take it with a fatty food or oil.

coq10 as a topical treatment
The first time I considered using CoQ10 topically was when I happened upon a product from DHC, a Japanese skincare company. I also tried it in a Eucerin skin cream and I noticed similar results: my skin was so well-moisturized that it was actually dewy, and my usual pale face had better color. Impressed with the results, I kept using the creams for a while but as they were costly for me at the time, I stopped using them.
Only recently have I considered looking into CoQ10 again. I think if I’d heard it talked about more often as a good ingredient in skincare, it would’ve stayed on my radar. It is more popular now though, and for good reason.
The results of this study demonstrated that stressed skin benefits from the topical Q10 treatment by reduction of free radicals and an increase in antioxidant capacity. Unlike other molecules, coQ10 is actually able to penetrate the epidermis where it can make a difference to the skin.

I will find some other favorites, as well as an essence, and report back.
Have you used coQ10 in supplement or topical form? Please share in the comments section below!
For more on nutrition and skin health, see 7 Best Foods for Firm Skin.