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7 Best Foods for Firm Skin (some may surprise you!)

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I never expect to look 16 again but let’s face it, everyone likes to have good skin, and the way to have your best skin is to focus on which foods you’re eating.  We don’t always think about it but the nutrients in food literally become our tissues, bones, and organs, including our largest organ: the skin.  We are indeed what we eat.

Here are 7 best foods to help your body create health and firmness in your skin. They’re delicious too! 

ORGANIC SOYtofu over rice

I wrote a post about how soy is misunderstood and is in fact an extremely healthy food, as long as you choose only organic, non-GMO, and avoid processed soy, hidden in many “foods.”  Also avoid soy isolate protein, found in the powders.  I talk about soy in more detail in my earlier postThe healthiest forms of soy are found in fermented foods, such as tempeh, miso, and natto (see below.)

The Japanese eat soy every day, in some form or another, and are known for their firm, luminous skin.  Research has backed the connection between the consumption of soy and beautiful skin.


Isoflavones:  Soy has an antioxidant compound called genistein that protects skin from free radical damage and the breakdown of collagen.  Not only that, it is a natural form of estrogen(phyto-estrogen)  that blocks synthetic estrogens from the environment and in that way balances the hormones!  Estrogen is crucial for strengthening bones and maintaining our facial structure as we grow older. 

The conclusion of a study cited by the National Institutes of Health is that:

Our data show that the use of a concentrated, isoflavone-rich soy extract during six consecutive months caused significant increases in epithelial thickness, the number of elastic and collagen fibers, as well as the blood vessels.

This means more firmness and healthy color in the skin.  (Important Note: They used soy isoflavone powder but the same can be achieved with a food source such as tempeh, tofu, natto and miso. ) 



Greta Garbo was ahead of her time with regard to eating organic, fresh foods. She followed the advice of Dr. Henry Bieler, author of the book, Food is Your Best Medicine. Bieler advised his clients to avoid all additives, preservatives, sugar, salt, caffeine, and starches. Greta was well known for her luminous skin. She’s also a unique actress and if you’ve never seen her, you’re in for a unique treat. Check her out in one of my favorites: Grand Hotel, 1932.

NATTObowl of natto

Speaking of soy… Natto is a little-known food, consumed on a regular basis by the Japanese.  They often eat these whole soybeans over rice for breakfast.  Natto is made up of soybeans that have been fermented in a special way. It is an excellent source of pro-biotics but there’s more to it than that.


It is high in vitamin K2, which your body needs in order to transport calcium out of the bloodstream and into the bones to keep bones strong as we age (yes again with the bone structure…). This is called “remodeling” the bones. Moving calcium out of the bloodstream and into the bone is what you want. It prevents calcium buildup in the arteries, thus it’s also healthy for the heart and circulation, which in turn benefits the skin.  Wow. Just Wow.

Research shows that Natto is loaded with vitamin K2, which has been shown in studies to help visibly prevent fine lines. In 2008, Korean researchers showed that a diet high in vitamin K2 led to smoother skin features in women.

Studies also show that the microbial bacteria used to ferment Natto stimulates fibroblasts to create more hyaluronic acid in the skin, which like collagen, we lose as we age.  This creates bouncier, dewier skin.  These bacteria also aid digestion which helps our skin to receive the full benefit of our food, and your skin will reflect the enhanced nutrition!

Because Natto is high-protein, high-fiber, chockful of vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin C, and iron, plus contains billions of helpful probiotics, it deserves the title of superfood.   (If you can’t find Natto easily, Tempeh is another fermented soybean food that is high in vitamin K and has similar nutrients.  It is great for pasta sauce, braised in garlic; or make your favorite sandwich filling with it, with your choice of mayo (or vegan mayo), onion, herbs, etc.  It’s versatile and again, so healthy.)

If you’re interested in trying it topically, this Whamisa product contains the same probiotic used in natto.  I can’t vouch for the performance because I haven’t tried it but it’s packed with great ingredients.


GREEN TEAgreen tea

I enjoy drinking organic green tea throughout the day. I like the taste and soothing quality but I also feel like I’m doing something great for my health.


Green tea is a powerhouse for your health and your skin.  Amongst all the varieties of tea, the most extensive research has been done on green tea.  It has been shown to prevent the DNA damage that leads to cancer, as well as even repair already-damaged DNA.  It is particularly protective against skin and esophageal cancers. 

The potent antioxidants in green tea can be measured in the blood for up to eight hours.  Initial studies are also showing that green tea may lower blood sugar levels, which in turn prevents the breakdown of collagen caused by too much sugar in the diet.

You can read about the topical application of green tea in my post:

DIY green tea toner.


Jean Harlow would eat just tomatoes and coffee whenever she wanted to lose weight. At least they are each healthy foods, but too acidic to be the only thing one eats, even to lose weight Jean! She starred in many great films. She’s hilarious as the blonde bombshell in Dinner at Eight, 1933.


Arugula is a delicious alternative to spinach or kale for a healthy salad.  I also like using it as a bed for other foods, like rice and vegetables, or beans and pasta. It adds just the right contrast to a carb-heavy meal.


Arugula and other greens contain vitamins A, C, calcium, folate, potassium, and iron. The bitter quality of arugula in particular and other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, comes from a powerful cancer fighter called sulforaphane.   Arugula is also low in oxalates (unlike spinach and kale), which is good because oxalates tend to inhibit the absorption of minerals. The potassium is important to balance sodium in the blood.  What does that do?  Amongst other things it can prevent puffy eyes!  So grab a couple handfuls and add it to your salad every day.

Fun fact: According to one study, Arugula might have a positive effect on libido.  The reasoning behind it is because it contains natural nitrates, which produce nitric oxide.  Nitric Oxide increases blood flow; it’s the same mechanism used in Viagra. Whether that’s true or not, the additional circulation will give your complexion a nice “boost.” 😊


betty grableBetty Grable practiced bird-pecking motions to keep her double chin at bay.  The benefit of facial exercise is debatable, but It looks like it worked well for her! See her in How to Marry a Millionaire, 1953.



Kiwi has the most vitamin c and the lowest sugar content of any fruit.  Vitamin C is a must for collagen and elastin production. We lose collagen each year and the elastin fibers weaken with age so anything we can do to support their production is important to the health of our skin. 

Kiwi also contains Quercitin, which, according to this study prevents hydrogen peroxide-induced inhibition of gap-junction intercellular communication.

In other words, it helps your cells to communicate better.  It’s also delicious and so easy just to grab and eat like an apple, or you can peel and slice into a salad. Yum! 

You can read more about kiwi in my post What do Kiwi, Strawberry, Banana and Walnut do for your skin?


COOKED Red bell pepper, squash and carrotsyams

I add orange vegetables to soups and salads all the time but one of my favorite orange veggies is the yam, and it can double as a dessert.  I bake or microwave it until it’s soft, top with flax oil (or butter or olive oil), maple syrup, and cinnamon and it’s delicious.  


These and other red and orange vegetables contain an abundance of beta carotene, which is UV protective, as well as antioxidant.  This form of vitamin A is more bioavailable in cooked vegetables but when eaten raw, these vegetables support collagen growth with the vitamin C and enzymes. Eat them both cooked in soups and side dishes, as well as raw in salads. In addition to benefiting your body, eating red and orange vegetables will give your skin a healthy golden glow.

For another way to eat squash, see my post:

Warming Red Pepper and Squash Soup for Luscious Skin.


sophia lorenSophia Loren believes that life is not worth living without pasta.  I have to agree with her there!  Tomato sauce has Lycopene, which is photo protective, and protects your collagen. For that Sophia glow, I’d recommend eating a little less pasta, and use the sauce to top your vegetables instead! Sophia won the Academy Award for her role in Two Women, 1961.


CITRUS FRUITS (especially the white pith)citrus fruits

We all should know that citrus is abundant in Vitamin C, which supports collagen growth for firm skin. But did you know that the peel is also good for your skin?  The white pith on the inside of citrus peel, contains a bioflavonoid called rutin, which is known to build up capillary strength.  Those little broken capillaries that we all see popping up on our cheeks and nose, will be less likely to appear if we strengthen them with good nutrition.  I like grapefruit but oranges are also a good source…so eat the white too! Heck, drop some in your smoothie and you won’t even taste it.

Bon Appetit and here’s to your good skin!

For more Ways to create good skin with food, see my article:

How to Prevent Skin Cancer with Food.

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